Estate Of Child Who Fell From Amusement Park Ferris Wheel “Giant Wheel” Files Personal Injury Wrongful Death Lawsuit Complaint.

A personal injury wrongful death lawsuit has been filed against Morey’s Pier, Inc., Morey’s Attractions, LLC and The Morey Organization, LLC (collectively “Morey’s” or “Defendants”) in the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas in Pennsylvania, on behalf of the estate of an eleven year child who is alleged to have died after resuscitative efforts failed to save her life, after falling to her death from a “Giant Wheel” ferris wheel amusement ride allegedly owned, operated, maintained, inspected or controlled by Defendants, according to an Amusement Park “Giant Wheel” Ferris Wheel personal injury wrongful death lawsuit complaint.

The Amusement Park “Giant Wheel” Ferris Wheel personal injury lawsuit complaint reportedly alleges that plaintiffs’ decedent suffered, among other things, pain and suffering as a result of injuries suffered furing the fall, traumatic injuries including broken bones and damaged internal organs, disfiguration, loss of earning capacity and death.

If You Have Thoughts On The Amusement Park “Giant Wheel” Ferris Wheel Personal Injury Lawsuit, Share Your Personal Injury Comments Below.

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