Estate Of Chocolate Worker Who Is Alleged To Have Suffered Injuries & Died After Falling Into A Scalding Hot Chocolate Vat Files Personal Injury Wrongful Death Lawsuit Complaint.

A personal injury wrongful death lawsuit has been filed against Lyons & Sons, Inc., JMJ Realty, LLC, WM A. Schmidt and Sons, WAS Realty, Inc., The McCarter Corporation, Weld-Done Welding, Inc., Cocoa Services, Inc., Cocoa Services, LP, Bittong Consulting, Karlheinz Bittong, Blommer Chocolate Company, The Blommer Chocolate Company, Blommer Machinery Company, Blommer Chocolate Company of California, LLC, and Blommer Chocolate Stores, Inc. (collectively “Defendants”) in the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas in Pennsylvania, on behalf of the estate of a man who allegedly died while working at a chocolate processing facility in Camden, New Jersey placing raw chocolate in a vat, tank or mixer to be melted, mixed or processed at extremely high temperatures, after accidentally falling through alleged unguarded holes on a platform into the interior of the hot chocolate vat, according to a Philadelphia Pennsylvania chocolate vat personal injury wrongful death lawsuit complaint.

The Philadelphia Pennsylvania chocolate vat personal injury lawsuit complaint reportedly alleges that decedent and plaintiffs suffered severe injuries and damages, including but not limited to:

  • Death
  • Conscious pain and suffering
  • Various and severe and painful bodily injuries
  • Psychological injuries and conditions
  • Psychiatric injuries and conditions
  • Pre-impact fright
  • Medical expenses
  • Mental anguish
  • Embarrassment
  • Disfigurement
  • Humiliation
  • Loss of life’s pleasures
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Loss of filial consortium
  • Loss of guidance
  • Loss of tutelage
  • Loss of care and support
  • Loss of society
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of advice and counsel
  • Economic value loss of services; and
  • Grief

The Philadelphia Pennsylvania chocolate vat personal injury lawsuit complaint reportedly alleges that Defendants negligence, carelessless, recklessness and/or defective design and/or manufacturing of the vat, platform, and shut-off mechanism allegedly caused plaintiffs damage.

If You Have Thoughts On The Philadelphia Pennsylvania Chocolate Vat Personal Injury Wrongful Death Lawsuit, Share Your Personal Injury Comments Below.

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