Patients Implanted With Cardiac Rhythm Device In Their Chest, Such as A Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker or an Implantable Defibrillator Device (ICD), File Medical Malpractice Personal Injury Lawsuit Complaint Against Cardiologist & Cardiology Practice, Hospital & Pacemaker Manufacturer For Alleged Unnecessary Pacemaker Surgeries.

A medical malpractice personal injury lawsuit has been filed against a cardiologist (heart specialist doctor) and an electrophysiologist (sub specialist doctor in the electrical impulses in the heart that cause it to beat and in abnormalities of the rhythm of the heart beat), Las Cruces Medical Center d/b/a Mountain View Regional Medical Center, Biotronik, a pacemaker and implantable cardiac defibrillator manufacturer and others (collectively “Defendants”) in the First Judicial District Court for the County of Santa Fe in New Mexico, alleging, among other things, that plaintiffs were unnecessarily subjected to the surgical implantation of a cardiac rhythm device in their chest – either a permanent cardiac pacemaker or an implantable defibrillator device (ICD) and purportedly were treated for nonexistent cardiac dysrhythmias, according to a Santa Fe New Mexico cardiac dysrhythmia pacemaker medical malpractice personal injury lawsuit complaint.

The Santa Fe New Mexico medical malpractice personal injury lawsuit complaint reportedly alleges, among other things, negligence, recklessness and malice and violations of New Mexico’s unfair practices act, civil conspiracy and fraudulent concealment.

The Santa Fe New Mexico medical malpractice personal injury lawsuit complaint reportedly alleges that plaintiffs suffered serious personal injuries, including pain and unnecessary imposition of invasive surgical procedures and allegedly suffered the following damages: cost of treatment, emotional distress, lost earnings, permanent impairment or disability and diminution in quality and enjoyment of their lives.

If You Have Thoughts On The Santa Fe New Mexico Medical Malpractice Cardiac Dysrhythmia Personal Injury Lawsuit, Share Your Personal Injury Comments Below.

2 comments… add one
  • John Weber Nov 14, 2011 @ 10:32

    I receintly was shocked inappropriately 60 times due to fractured Biotronik lead and Medtronic Virtuoso ICD. Never shocked before. Hospital failed to shut off device for 2.5 hours electing to wait for Medtronic representative to arrive instead, even though they were confirming heart was fine and there was no apparrant reason for being shocked. Do you know of anyone who can handle this case? Thanks.

  • mark davis Sep 23, 2013 @ 5:06

    was shocked within 1 hour of leaving hospital, multiple shocks after arriving back home in mississippi, called biotronik met with them in laurel mississippi, innerfaced with computer showed minor noise impedence changed while wiggling device in chest (was checked twice in texas for lead operation, was fine) took in operating room two biotronic reps in accompnement , slight ohm reading difference in one lead it was replaced, after re-installment of device, same problems, removed device enlarged pocket reinstalled device supposely now working 8/17/2012—- on 5/2 2013 had uneeded shock at 2 am came up off bed injuring neck and back now taking therepy for that, on 5/8/2013 met with biotronic and P-A they adjusted noise,impedence higher to stop what they called phantom shocks in august while still taking therepy for neck/back injury i looked up phone records for 18th-25th august 2,710 calls–2,525 calls were from home monitor to biotroniks computer, doctor will now remove device if i will sign papers not to file lawsuit— i need help removing device, and file lawsuit against biotronik if possible–thanks mark davis

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