Daycare Center Settles Galveston County Texas Personal Injury Lawsuit Against Kid City Childcare Learning and Sports Center.

A $55,000 personal injury settlement has been reached in a personal injury lawsuit against Kid City Childcare Learning (“Kid City Childcare Learning”) and Sports Center LLC (“Sports Center”) (collectively “Defendants”) in Galveston County 212th District Court in Texas (Personal Injury Case No. 09-cv-1876), alleging, among other things, that Defendants failed to use adequate care in transporting a child who had previously fractured his leg, allegedly failed to maintain a safe day care area and allegedly failed to render aid the boy’s injuries, according to a Galveston County Texas Kid City Childcare Learning and Sports Center daycare center personal injury settlement news report.

If You Have Thoughts On The Galveston County Texas Kid City Childcare Learning and Sports Center Day Care Center Personal Injury Settlement, Share Your Personal Injury Settlement Comments Below.

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