Matrixx Initiative Zicam Cold Remedy Loss of Smell Or Taste Personal Injury Lawsuit Settlement Reached.

A personal injury settlement has been reached in personal injury lawsuits against Matrixx Initiatives, Inc. (“Matrixx Initiatives” or “Defendant”) in federal Multi-District Litigation in the District of Arizona and the consolidated proceedings pending in state courts in California and Arizona, alleging, among other things, that Zicam cold remedy nasal products caused loss of smell or loss of taste, according to a Matrixx Initiatives Zicam Cold Remedy personal injury lawsuit settlement news report.

The Matrixx Initiatives Zicam Cold Remedy personal injury lawsuit settlement reportedly provides that Matrixx will pay $15.5 million to certain plaintiffs and claimants (approximately 1,014 plaintiffs and 1,127 claimants) who allege loss of smell and/or taste from using Zicam Cold Remedy and who participate in a voluntary Settlement Program.

If You Have Thoughts On The Matrixx Initiatives Zicam Cold Remedy Lawsuit Settlement, Share Your Personal Injury Settlement Comments Below.

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