Personal Injury Settlement Of Extreme World Terminal Velocity Wisconsin Dells Amusement Park Accident

Family Of Parkland Girl Settles Amusement Park Accident Personal Injury Claims In Wisconsin Dells After Falling From Terminal Velocity Ride At Extreme World.

A pre-lawsuit personal injury settlement has been reached by the family of Parkland girl and Extreme World (“Extreme World” or “Defendant”) over personal injury claims against Extreme World involving allegations that she fell more than 100 feet on the Terminal Velocity suspended catch air device amusement park drop ride at Extreme World amusement park in the Wisconsin Dells, purportedly causing neck injuries, back injuries, skull injuries and injuries to certain organs, according to a personal injury amusement park ride settlement news report.

If You Have Thoughts On The Extreme World Terminal Velocity Wisconsin Dells Amusement Park Accident Personal Injury Settlement, Share Your Personal Injury Settlement Comments Below.

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