Adult Children of Pedestrian Killed by a Truck in a Massachusetts Crosswalk Accident Awarded $9,500,000 Dollars in Wrongful Death Lawsuit.

A State Court Jury In Springfield, Massachusetts Awards $9.5 Million to Wrongful Death Plaintiffs Whose Mother Died in A Crosswalk Truck Accident.

The adult children of a Massachusetts woman and teacher who died after being hit by a truck as she was traversing a crosswalk obtained an award of $9.5 million dollars by a Hamden County Massachusetts Superior Court jury in their wrongful death personal injury lawsuit (styled Tiffany and Chelsea Castillo v. Charles Davignon, Case No. 1879CA00247-B). The jury award came after a 3 day trial.

Attorneys representing the plaintiffs reportedly argued that trucker driver negligently turned left into the crosswalk at the intersection of Lyman and Canal streets.

Adult Children of Mother Who Died After Being Struck By A Truck At A Crosswalk Awarded $9,500,000 in Wrongful Death Lawsuit.

According to reports, the truck driver ultimately conceded liability for the woman’s death, but contested damages. Each of the decedents children reportedly were awarded $3 million dollars, plus $1 million for the decedent’s pain and suffering and $2.5 million for pre-judgment interest.

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