Cook County Illinois Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Against Fresenius Medical Care of Illinois and OSF HealthCare System Results in $41 Million Jury Award to Stroke Victim.

A Former Lawyer Who Suffered a Stroke That Left Him Paralyzed On One Side of His Body Was Awarded $41 Million In a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit.

A jury in Cook County Illinois has reportedly awarded a 72-year-old man $41 million dollars in a medical malpractice lawsuit that he filed against a cardiologist and several other health care providers.

On February 28, 2016, the plaintiff, Craig Pierce, was hospitalized for pneumonia at St. Francis Hospital in Peoria, Illinois. He was diagnosed with a heart arrythmia by a cardiologist and treated with an anticoagulant to lessen the risk of a stroke. A few weeks later, the plaintiff was discharged from the hospital, allegedly without any arrangements being made to monitor his blood for clots.

About a month after discharge, plaintiff experienced a stroke which apparently was due to a large clot in his brain. As a result of the stroke, plaintiff became paralyzed, suffered from cognitive deficits and could no longer practice law as an attorney.

He filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against Fresenius Medical Care of Illinois, OSF HealthCare System, the treating cardiologist and various hospital nurses and personnel, reportedly asserting a negligent failure to monitor the plaintiff’s condition and medication and/or negligently relying on others to monitor the patient. The medical malpractice trial lasted 26 days.

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