Rio Grande Valley Texas Family Files Personal Injury Lawsuit Against SpaceX After Family Member Died In Car Accident Near Highway 4.

A Family in Rio Grande Valley Texas Filed a Personal Injury Lawsuit Against SpaceX After Family Member was Killed in Car Crash Near Launch Site.

A family in San Benito Texas who suffered injury to their spines and legs and whose father/husband died in a car accident after their vehicle collided with a stalled 18-wheeler truck on Highway 4 after leaving Boca Chica Beach while on a camping trip have filed a personal injury lawsuit against SpaceX.

Car Accident Lawsuit Filed by Texas Family Against SpaceX After Death Of Family Member

According to reports, the family claims that the highway where the fatal truck accident took place was not wide enough and was not well lit and that SpaceX allegedly failed to properly maintain the highway to deal with heavy-duty traffic loads and allegedly should have added adequate lighting and warnings and widened the highway. According to reports, SpaceX’s attorneys claimed that it was the negligence of the driver of vehicle that crashed into the truck that caused the fatal car accident.

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